Restore Your Smile with Dental Implant Surgery

A woman smiles at a mirror after receiving a dental implant

Dr. David Wyse and Dr. Jay Chrisman work in conjunction with trusted periodontists and oral surgeons to plan your dental implant surgery. From their Bloomington, IL, practice, our doctors can coordinate and oversee the entire process from consultation to restoration placement. Dental implant surgery refers to the process of placing titanium posts in the jaw, a surgery that provides support to an abutment and restoration such as a dental crown, bridge, or implant-supported denture. During a consultation at Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, your doctor can create a customized treatment plan and work closely with your oral surgeon to ensure you are satisfied with the final results of your procedure.

What is Dental Implant Surgery?

During dental implant surgery, a periodontist or oral surgeon will surgically replace the root of the tooth with a screw-like post made from titanium or a titanium alloy. These small posts will replace your natural tooth root and create a firm foundation for a customized implant-supported restoration. Dental implants provide the most stable and longest-lasting solution to replacing missing teeth. Depending on the number of missing teeth you need to replace and the state of your oral health, your dental implant surgery could include the placement of one to eight dental implants.

Dr. Wyse or Dr. Chrisman will perform a detailed exam using advanced technology such as digital x-rays and intraoral imaging to create a personalized treatment plan. Once you have approved the treatment plan, your dentist will refer you to a skilled oral surgeon in the area to perform the actual surgery. While the surgical procedure can last a few hours depending on how many implants you are receiving, the healing time required can take anywhere from four to six months. If you require a bone graft or a sinus lift prior to dental implant surgery, your treatment timeline will be extended by an additional two to three months.

We work some of the most respected periodontists and oral surgeons in the area. These specialists  have earned the trust and respect of our experienced doctors.

The Dental Implant Surgery Process

Dental implant surgery typically follows a number of steps that are performed over the course of two procedures within a time frame of six to nine months:

  • Anesthesia: Before any stage of your treatment, the surgeon will provide sedation and anesthesia to make you as comfortable as possible. The type of anesthesia used will be discussed during your initial consultation and included in your treatment plan.
  • Tooth Extraction: If there are any unhealthy teeth that cannot be saved with a tooth-colored filling or dental crown, the oral surgeon will carefully remove the damaged tooth and root. 

  • Gum and Jawbone Preparation: For patients who have experienced jawbone deterioration or who require additional room to accommodate a dental implant, bone grafting or a sinus lift will be performed in advance of dental implant surgery. Healthy gums and a solid jawbone structure will help ensure superior support for your restoration. If this step is not needed, your dental implant surgery will commence.
  • Dental Implant Placement: After your teeth and gums have been adequately prepared, the surgeon will then create small incisions in your gums and insert the dental implants into your jawbone. 

  • Osseointegration: Osseointegration refers to the period of time it takes for the metal posts to fuse with your jawbone. This recovery period can take anywhere from four to six months, but allowing for proper healing is crucial to the success of your implants. Your oral surgeon will monitor you carefully during this time to ensure the posts are properly fusing with your jawbone.  

  • Placing the Abutment: After you have fully recovered, the oral surgeon will place abutments over the implants. These small connectors are an extension of the posts and provide easy attachment of the restoration. It will take approximately two weeks for the soft tissue around the abutment to heal.
  • Designing the Restoration: Once you have healed, Dr. Wyse or Dr. Chrisman will use digital impressions of your mouth to design your restoration. These impressions are sent to a dental lab and are used to customize your restoration to ensure an optimal fit. 
  • Placing the Restoration: In two weeks, Dr. Wyse or Dr. Chrisman will attach the restoration to the abutments and ensure proper fit and full dental function. 

Side Effects of Dental Implant Surgery

You may experience some minor discomfort following any stage of the procedure. These symptoms can typically be alleviated with over-the-counter medication. Your oral surgeon can also prescribe medication if necessary. Some other side effects associated with dental implant surgery could include:

  • Minor bleeding
  • Infection
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Teeth or nerve damage
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Sinus issues

As with any surgery, complications may arise; however, having your procedure performed by an experienced surgeon and following your postoperative care instructions diligently will significantly reduce your risks. We work some of the most respected periodontists and oral surgeons in the area. These specialists have earned the trust and respect of our experienced doctors.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dental implant surgery can help permanently restore your smile. Call our office at (309) 663-6393 or contact us online to schedule your consultation with Dr. Wyse or Chrisman. Our experienced doctors can evaluate the state of your oral health and determine whether you are a candidate for dental implant surgery. 

Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry staff

Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

Wyse Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has been serving the community in Bloomington, IL, for 100 years, making us the oldest practice in town. We are constantly updating our practice with the latest technology and innovative techniques to provide first-rate dentistry for our valued patients. Our comprehensive services include

  • Emergency Dental Care
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Dental Implants
  • Pediatric Dentistry 

Schedule an appointment today by filling out our online form, or by calling (309) 663-6393.

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